3 out of 4 animals in shelters are euthanized. Awareness and funds are lacking because individual shelters can't possibly put the time and marketing effort in.



Do for dog adoption what the Pink Ribbon did for breast cancer. What if simply walking your pet with an orange leash becomes a badge of honor as well as a walking advertisement for the need to save shelter animals? 

This campaign started in my tiny apartment, one summer in NYC when I created Orange Leash. My husband and I planted dog-less leashes all over the city, with tags driving to the site and Facebook page. With over 2,500 fans in the first 30 days, the idea caught on. We supplied shelters with free orange leashes for every dog they could place in a home and got support from celebrities like John Bartlett and Amanda Hearst, organizations like IAC and the Mayor's Alliance for NYC Animals. Brands quickly hopped on the bandwagon: Orange Leash inspired a Ralph Lauren video and Found My Animal even launched a new product celebrating this idea.